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The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels: aperti i pre-order del Volume 3 della pubblicazione firmata da Chris Wilkins

The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels: aperti i pre-order del Volume 3 della pubblicazione firmata da Chris Wilkins


  • The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels: aperti i pre-order del Volume 3 della pubblicazione firmata da Chris Wilkins

    The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels Volume 3Prosegue dunque con il Volume 3 la pubblicazione firmata dall'autore di "The History of Ocean Software" (LINK), "The History of US Gold" (LINK) e The story of the Oliver Twins (LINK), opera appunto dedicata al noto home computer prodotto dalla Sinclair Research Ltd. a partire dal 1982.

    The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels Volume 3 è infatti preordinabile (LINK) al prezzo di £ 19,99.

    "[...] 236 pages in length [...] very same high standard as Volume 1 and Volume 2. The 'Sinclair' logo on the front cover will be embossed making the book a desirable addition to any gaming fan or book collector

    [...] will be predominantly a visual journey charting a further 85 best games on the ZX Spectrum from 1982 onwards until the early 90's. There will also be a section on Homebrew games and an article on Spectrum game compilations.

    We will also be talking to and interviewing 12 programmers, artists and musicians to get their view on the Spectrum and how it helped launch their careers into gaming

    The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels Volume 1The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels Volume 2The Story of the ZX Spectrum in Pixels Volume 3


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