Segnalo diverse curiose conversioni da Atari ST ad Atari Jaguar. In parte sono ancora allo stato di WIP, ma non mancano porting terminati o pressoché conclusi.
I titoli oggetto di queste trasposizioni sono ( ):
"Rick Dangerous:
Gauntlet II (needs some work but is playable):
Virus / Zarch (sound is absent):
Mercenary (WIP but playable):
Buggy Boy (WIP but playable): "
... e...
"Bubble Bobble: "
( ) - "The story?
Well, you know how the Jaguar is the butt of jokes when it comes to its games library? If only we had some of the good ST games for it, that'd make things better, right? But, in order to do this it'd take someone who a) Knows the ST hardware inside out, b) Knows the Jaguar hardware inside out, c) Isn't afraid to hack things to bits in order to work, d) Has very good hacking/patching knowledge e) has a good supporting team behind him to help with stuff.
The answer to a-d combined is "Cyrano Jones" and the answer to e is "Reboot and Jagware". CJ started doing these patching a couple of years ago because he was bored and wanted to see bubble bobble running on Jaguar
. Plus we had a couple of screen conversion routines in our disposal.
A good technical write-up exists at so you can read this for more infos."
I titoli oggetto di queste trasposizioni sono ( ):
"Rick Dangerous:
Gauntlet II (needs some work but is playable):
Virus / Zarch (sound is absent):
Mercenary (WIP but playable):
Buggy Boy (WIP but playable): "
... e...
"Bubble Bobble: "
( ) - "The story?
Well, you know how the Jaguar is the butt of jokes when it comes to its games library? If only we had some of the good ST games for it, that'd make things better, right? But, in order to do this it'd take someone who a) Knows the ST hardware inside out, b) Knows the Jaguar hardware inside out, c) Isn't afraid to hack things to bits in order to work, d) Has very good hacking/patching knowledge e) has a good supporting team behind him to help with stuff.
The answer to a-d combined is "Cyrano Jones" and the answer to e is "Reboot and Jagware". CJ started doing these patching a couple of years ago because he was bored and wanted to see bubble bobble running on Jaguar

A good technical write-up exists at so you can read this for more infos."