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Silent Hill Alchemilla: rilasciata mod amatoriale di Half-Life 2 che punta a ricreare l'atmosfera di Silent Hill

Silent Hill Alchemilla: rilasciata mod amatoriale di Half-Life 2 che punta a ricreare l'atmosfera di Silent Hill


  • Silent Hill Alchemilla: rilasciata mod amatoriale di Half-Life 2 che punta a ricreare l'atmosfera di Silent Hill

    Silent Hill: AlchemillaIl Source Engine torna in scena ancora una volta con un'interessante mod amatoriale di Half-Life 2, che appunto costituisce "an attempt to recreate original atmosphere of cult game Silent Hill".

    "[...] now can play full version of Alchemilla game and smell Silent Hill stench as much as possible. [...] So we have an ADVENTURE type game in Silent Hill universe with NO MONSTERS and NO GUNS, MELEE."

    "We wanted to implement these features strong enough and we searched for people for the last days and sadly didnt find any who could help us to do this quite well. It is very sadly for us too. We dont apologize for this cause we did all what we can."

    "In our game you will not find inventory system or notes system and the reason the same - there are no people who could do that on Source engine (people start to hate it cause it outdated). So just sit tight, take pen and notebook and play as hardcore gamer, make notes yourself, draw your maps yourself. If you Silent Hill fan - you should deal with that."

    "Have a good game and a bad dream after!"

    Silent Hill: Alchemilla è stata rilasciata il 18 gennaio scorso (LINK); di seguito il relativo Trailer:

    Silent Hill: Alchemilla


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      Alla fine però l'incubo peggiore è sempre l'eterna attesa di HL3...
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